With our expertise, we support our clients in positioning themselves successfully in increasingly dynamic markets.

Mit unserer Expertise unterstützen wir unsere Mandaten, sich in zunehmend dynamischen Märkten erfolgreich zu positionieren.
Felix Haschke advises and represents national and international clients as a Patent Attorney, European Patent, Trademark & Design Attorney in the fields of patent, utility model, trademark and design protection. He is also accredited as a representative before the Unified Patent Court.
Felix Haschke has been working in the field of intellectual property since 2017. After his training at VON ROHR and admission as a patent attorney, he initially worked for two years in a Düsseldorf patent law firm before becoming a partner at VON ROHR in 2023.
“The particular strength of our partnership results from the diverse technical degrees and legal experience of our attorneys and the specific support of our staff. Building on this strong base, we are able to optimally support clients from all industries in all matters of industrial property protection, thus ensuring the economic and technological success of our clients in the long term.”
„Die besondere Stärke unserer Partnerschaft ergibt sich aus den vielfältigen technischen Studienabschlüssen und rechtlichen Erfahrungen unserer Anwälte sowie der zielgerichteten Unterstützung unsere Mitarbeiter. Aufbauend auf diesem starken Fundament können wir Mandanten aus allen Branchen optimal in sämtlichen Angelegenheiten des gewerblichen Rechtschutzes unterstützen, um so den wirtschaftlichen und technologischen Erfolg unserer Mandanten langfristig zu sichern.“
During his studies in mechanical engineering and a subsequent assistantship at the Rheinisch Westfälische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen, Felix Haschke specialized in the field of plastics and textile technology with a focus on hybrid compounds and composites. During his studies, he worked for one of the world’s largest medical technology companies in the field of pre-development. In addition to his master’s degree in plastics and textile technology, he completed a master’s degree in economics at RWTH Aachen University.