Whether on a national level or in an international environment, we offer our clients the necessary know-how to optimally protect and defend their idea on the market.
Ob auf nationaler Ebene oder im internationalen Umfeld: Wir bieten unseren Mandanten die notwendige Expertise, um ihre Idee optimal auf dem Markt zu schützen und zu verteidigen.
As a patent attorney and European trademark and design attorney, Leonie Rehbock represents national and international clients in all fields of intellectual property rights, with a particular focus on technical intellectual property rights in the chemical, process engineering and pharmaceutical/medical fields. She is familiar with drafting and representing intellectual property rights before the German Patent and Trademark Office as well as the European Patent Office. In addition, she also supports the international prosecution of intellectual property rights in cooperation with national colleagues. She also participates in opposition and appeal proceedings.
Leonie Rehbock joined VON ROHR in November 2018 and has been a partner of the firm since her admission to the patent bar in September 2022.
“The best possible industrial property protection for our clients is always our focus. Due to our partnership’s many years of experience in all areas of intellectual property protection, as well as the close cooperation between the partners, we are able to develop strategies in intellectual property protection that are flexibly adapted to our clients. Of course, we always take the current legal practice into account. In addition, our experience in grant proceedings as well as in litigation proceedings is also incorporated for the optimal development and implementation of your legal protection strategy.”
„Der bestmögliche gewerbliche Rechtsschutz unserer Mandanten steht bei uns stets im Fokus. Aufgrund der langjährigen Erfahrung unserer Partnerschaft in allen Bereichen des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes sowie der engen Zusammenarbeit der Partner untereinander, können wir flexibel an unsere Mandanten angepasste Strategien im gewerblichen Rechtsschutz entwickeln. Dabei berücksichtigen wir selbstverständlich stets die aktuelle Rechtspraxis. Zusätzlich fließen hierbei ebenfalls unsere Erfahrungen in Erteilungsverfahren, als auch in Streitverfahren, zur optimalen Entwicklung und Umsetzung Ihrer Rechtsschutzstrategie ein.“
In her Master’s degree in Chemistry completed in 2018, Leonie Rehbock focused on macromolecular chemistry and wrote her Master’s thesis on “Synthesis of acrylate-based polymers with adhesion-promoting groups” in cooperation with one of the largest German chemical companies. Her preceding bachelor’s degree in chemistry and biotechnology and the thesis on the topic “UV-induced rapid curing of cycloaliphatic epoxy resins” was also carried out in cooperation with the same chemical company, so Leonie Rehbock had already gained several years of practical experience in different areas of the chemical industry during her studies before joining VON ROHR.
Leonie Katharina Rehbock acquired her excellent knowledge of English particularly during her year abroad in the USA.