Our job is to use the tools of intellectual property law to create the best value for our clients.

Unsere Aufgabe ist es, mit den Werkzeugen des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes für unsere Mandanten einen optimalen Wert zu schaffen.
As a patent attorney and European Patent, Trademark & Design Attorney, Sebastian Nierfeld advises national and international clients in all fields of intellectual property, with a particular focus on technical IP rights. This includes the preparation of IP applications and the prosecution of applications in the examination procedure up to the granting. Another focus is on opposition and appeal proceedings. His professional focus is on the field of engineering, in particular control, manufacturing and production technology. He is also an accredited representative before the Unified Patent Court.
Sebastian Nierfeld has been working in the field of intellectual property since August 2014. After being admitted as a patent attorney in February 2023, Sebastian Nierfeld joined the firm as a partner.
“Every practical benefit of an invention is preceded by a problem to be solved by the invention. Our joint strength is to recognize this and, on this basis, to create the best value optimal for the client, using the tools of intellectual property law.”
„Jedem praktischen Nutzen einer Erfindung geht ein Problem voraus, das mit der Erfindung gelöst werden soll. Unsere gemeinsame Stärke ist es, dies zu erkennen und auf dieser Grundlage einen für den Mandanten optimalen Wert mit den Werkzeugen des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes zu schaffen.“
During his preceding mechanical engineering studies at the Institute for Product Engineering (IPE) of the University of Duisburg-Essen, Sebastian Nierfeld gained profound knowledge in the field of product development and the related sub-disciplines of engineering sciences. The constantly growing need for innovative manufacturing technologies because of ever shorter product life cycles was a particularly exciting aspect for him. The focus of his bachelor’s degree, which he completed in 2012, was on generative manufacturing processes, whose increasing use in industrial mass production is the reason for the high innovation dynamics in this field. He successfully completed his studies in mid-2014 with a Master of Engineering degree.